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ARDA NIMS Requirements

The National Incident Management System.

  1. ICS 100
    Introduction to the Incident Command System
  2. ICS 200
    ICS for Single Resources and Inital Action Incidents
  3. ICS 700
    National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Intrrduction
  4. ICS 800
    National Response Framework, An Introduction
  5. ICS 809
    Emergency Support Function (ESF) #9 - Search and Rescue

ARDA Training

Training Resources

ARDA currently has trainers and instructors available with expertise in wilderness (area) search, disaster search, human remains detection and water recovery. Many of our trainers and instructors have experience in both national and international settings. For additional information or to discuss fees and availability, please contact us via email at information@ardainc.org


ARDA Training Book


ARDA training methods have served as the model for canine search and rescue units across the nation and around the world. These training methods are detailed in the ARDA textbook, Search and Rescue Dogs: Training the K-9 Hero. This textbook, which was revised in 2002, sets forth the training concepts that have stood the test of thousands of successful ARDA missions.





Training Events

Please refer to the ARDA Training Calendar for a list of upcoming training events and seminars.






Videos of Dogs Training

ARDA Units use many breeds of dogs, and many different indications for a find. The video below shows Georgia, an ARDA-VA dog, who performs a trained Stay-and-Bark at the "missing" subject.


Video of Dogs Working

Video - CNN Video from Japan, which includes footage of the 5 ARDA dogs that repsponded.


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