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ARDA NIMS Requirements

The National Incident Management System.

  1. ICS 100
    Introduction to the Incident Command System
  2. ICS 200
    ICS for Single Resources and Inital Action Incidents
  3. ICS 700
    National Incident Management System (NIMS), An Intrrduction
  4. ICS 800
    National Response Framework, An Introduction
  5. ICS 809
    Emergency Support Function (ESF) #9 - Search and Rescue


Search & Rescue



The role of a Search & Rescue K-9 and Handler unit is to support state and local emergency responders' efforts to locate victims/missing persons. Below are several agencies and companies which either offer detailed training and state/federal requirements or offer support for training.


Federal Emergency Management Agency - Urban Search & Rescue
FEMA's urban search-and-rescue (US&R) is comprised of several wel-trained and tested Task Forces. The Task Forces are located around the country and consist of 31-person teams, 4-canines and all necessary gear for a variety of disasters. The task force is often made up of local firefighters, paramedics & other highly-trained first responders.


National Incident Management System
NIMS provides the template for the management of incidents, while the National Response Framework (NRF) provides the structure and mechanisms for national-level policy for incident management.



Search And Rescue Assist
SARA is a non profit, charitable organization dedicated to the training and support of Search and Rescue Canines. Our main focus is on Disaster K9's which are trained to perform in extreme surroundings to find victims buried alive as a result of natural disasters or terrorist acts.


Natural Awareness Tracking School, LLC

Natural Awareness Tracking School
Natural Awareness Tracking School strives to promote an increased awareness of individuals about their surroundings through professionally taught classes that focus on human tracking (man-tracking or signcutting), animal tracking and outdoor navigation skills.


VDEM - SAR Program

Virginia Department of Emergency Management
The center coordinates a statewide network of nearly two dozen professionally trained volunteer search and rescue (SAR) organizations that deploy highly skilled resources to conduct and support search and rescue operations. VDEM provides valuable training from their Ground Search & Rescue College in the areas of navigation, search techniques, search strategy and search management.



Virginia Search & Rescue Council



National Association for Search & Rescue
The National Association for Search and Rescue, Inc., (NASAR) is a not-for-profit membership association dedicated to advancing professional, literary, and scientific knowledge in fields related to search and rescue. NASAR is comprised of thousands of paid and non-paid professionals interested in all aspects of search and rescue - the humanitarian cause of saving lives - throughout the United States and around the world. "...that others may live."

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