In: M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X
We Accept:

We have all heard the Heavy Metal horror stories
about bands putting backwards Satanic messages in their songs-
But it took a true evil genius to put the first backwards Satanic
message on a T-shirt! You'll have sooo much decadent fun when
you wear this shirt in public. People will stare at it-look puzzled
as they try to read it, then as the figure out what it says they
gaze at YOU in Horror as if you were the Devil himself! Yeah,
what a great way to get your Evil jollies without even having
to say anything! Now its hard to see from this scan but the actual
printing on this shirt is awesome! The "Nobody Knows I Worship"
words on the tee are printed in a specialized "heavy"
Metallic silver ink that shimmers in the flames of Hell! Look
at the "O" in Worship and you'll notice a Pentagram!
The word "Satan" is printed Blood Red ink and outlined
in a onyx black ink! This shirt is double-sided so you'll be completely
surrounded in E-V-I-L! The back design is Satan's lucky number,
a "tasteful" 666-that is printed with special Black
Onyx ink that gives it a creepy cemetery Tombstone feel! You'll
have more evil fun wearing this shirt than you will at your next
Satanic Sacrifice! Ha!

Cola Red,
Evil White on a
Caffine Black T-Shirt!