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B Movie Tees

B Movie Tees

Atkins Red,
Barker Ranch White
on a Lottsa Poppa Crow

Available In: M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X

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If "Helter Skelter was only the Beginning" as the movie poster screams, than this film must be it's end, because its so "deadly boring"! The best thing about this 1971 soft-core nudie flick is the AWESOME movie poster-hence this AWESOME T-shirt! This film is relatively obscure and has pretty much nothing to do with its Manson-esque title. It was just a R rated nudie flick that's soul purpose was too show off a bunch of topless hippie chicks bobbling around! This tee features a reproduction of the movie poster-complete with a screaming cloaked and hooded "Charlie" like figure with 4 hippie chicks luring at his back. The most disturbing thing about the movie graphics is the "Sharon Tate" like figure below - bound, bloody and screaming! The genius behind this
B-movie was the clever marketing ploy tying this soft-core booby flick to the Charles Manson hysteria that was in full blaze at the time! I bet this one packed all the Drive-Ins back in the day!
M / L / XL:

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