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ClaSICK Tees

ClaSICK Tees

Testicle White on a
Tumerous Black T-Shirt!

Available In: M, L, XL, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X, 6X

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Do you got the "Balls" to wear this T-Shirt out in public!?! This incredible T-Shirt features an actual undoctored medical photograph of a real man who suffers from elephantiasis of the scrotum. Elephantiasis of the scrotum is very rare - but it does happen. It caused by a tropical parasitic worm that reaks havac on your lymphatic system! This is why most cases occur in remote tropical areas - so be very careful where you swim when you're on vacation, who knows what is going to be crawlin' up yer ween! Now to answer the #1 question everyone will ask you - "Wear is his Dick"?! Due to the excessive growth of the scrotum all of the available skin is used and the penis recedes up into itself. Yes, they can still
pee but their penis is almost non-existent! If you look at the picture his weener is neatly tucked away in that "Cocksac Crack!" The overall size of the design is HUGE - it measures TWO-FEET from the bottom of his sac to the top of
M / L / XL:
his head! Its made to SHOCK and OFFEND at long distances! You just can't go wrong wearing a shirt that has Two-Feet of Tumerous Testicles staring at all who dare look upon it! For laughs wear it out to your favorite restaurant and watch the normal folks lose their lunch!

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