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What Goth girl-or feminine Goth guy can live their undead life without a pair of these "Vlad "The Impaler" Tepes thong panties? It is yet another Worlds first by me, Andrew D. Gore notorious eBay seller 1-2-3-4 always bringing you the newest and best ghoulish goodies to ever appear on eBay!
YES, that's right VLAD THONGS for the Goths who have everything! I ask you, what better way to protect your private "Romanian Grazing Ground" than with Vlad "Dracula" Tepes keeping a close eye on things! Yes this "undead underwear" has been meticulously hand screen-printed with the famous woodcut of the infamous Vlad Tepes who terrorized Romania in the 1400's! He would get hid kicks by impaling his enemies on long wooden stakes and then dine amongst then as they moan and died in agony - sounds like one heck of a dinner party to me!
Above Vlads image is his name in a blood red Romanian gothic text! Below Vlad is it reads "Dracula" which actually means "Son of Dracul " - Dracul was his father that ruled the country before Vlad took over things! Not that I need to tell you but Brahms Stokers' novel "Dracula" was loosely based on the Romanian ruler and his "interesting" habits!
Now I know that there are a lot of you out their that have "real jobs" and couldn't get away with wearing a Vlad T-shirt to the office but now you can pay a private homage to Vlad Tepes by wearing a pair of these thongs to work-a personal and private vigil to Vlad that nobody but you me and Vlad will know and we promise to keep our mouths shut! Ha!
Oh yea-be carefully if you wear short skirts to work because that nosey kid guy who works in the mailroom might try to sneak a peek and you don't want him to blow your "respectable girl" cover! Remembers ladies as a courtesy to all please keep things clean down there because you wouldn't want Vlad to smell bad! Ha!

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