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Super Cute! Lil' Brat Baby Bibs!
Baby Bibs

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$7.69 Each

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It's well known that fact that parents want their children to grow up to be something great. Most "Normal" parents want their kids to be doctors, lawyers, or even the President. But I, Notorious Underground freak Andrew D. Gore have higher aspiration for my son,
Lil' Lou Sipher Gore, and want him to be something REALLY Great- and a MORTICIAN is at the top of my list for my little tyke! I've built him his own little play Morgue, complete with a Lil' embalming table and a mini refrigerator! I think it is sooo cute that he put all of his N-SYNC action figures in the fridge "On ice" waiting to be autopsied (he did put the cat in their once but I got it out before the pussy was frozen! Ha!) I tell you he is a chip off of the old block and I couldn't be a prouder PaPa! I can't think of any job with more security than a Mortician. At the last count there are 5 billion people "On Earth"that will one day be put "Under the Earth"! Ha! Weather you want to believe it or not we all die and somebody has to get rid of our worthless corpse! These bibs are a big hit in the Funeral Home and Death industry, get one for your local funeral director or your pregnant gothic girlfriend! Ha! This bib features in bold gothic text "FUTURE MORTICIAN"accent with the universal symbol for death-a skull and crossbones! This Lil' Brat Baby Bib will most defiantly cause miles of smiles when and wherever its worn!

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