
Elizabeth Chaney | Mary Cather | Tim Dingess | Sonja Heritage | Chris Holleyman | Chris Holmes | Elizabeth Kreitler | Teresa MacPherson | Jennifer Massey | Ron Sanders
Agility | Deployments | People | Rubble | Testing | Training
Hurricane Rita | Hurricane Ophelia | Hurricane Katrina | Bam, Iran | Hurricane Isabel | Columbia Disaster | Duzce, Turkey | Touliu, Taiwan | Izmit, Turkey | Nairobi, Kenya
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Fairfax Search Dogs

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Rubble Search

**click on each image to see a larger version

Canine indicating presence of live human scent during rubble search Canine indicating presence of live human scent during rubble search
Canine indicating presence of live human scent during rubble search
Canine indicating presence of live human scent during rubble search


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