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Nasrene Haj
Age 11


The Elegance of Feet

The delicate sculpture
That holds up
                            Your rhythm
                              Your soul

The tough, strong bones
That support
                            Your shape
                              Your balance

One movement done by your feet
Creates your dance
And shows your body
You have got them

The relief flows through you
Letting you Surrender

In the Clothing Section of a Big Mall


Air-conditioned clothing

            Freezing up the store

Ironed workers

            Flattened by their work

Seasonal shoes

            Snowing on the shoppers

Crying baby clothes

            Flailing on the floor

Smiling swimsuits

             Floating in the fountain

Leaping Leotards

            Sashaying across the shelves

Prickly Pajamas

            Lying on the linen

Peeping Prices

            Chopping through the checkout

Blasting Bubble-gum

            Blowing through the walls

Dance Mania

Dancing is fun,
Once youíve begun!
        You go all around!
        You can make it loud,
           As long as you are proud!
                      You can stomp your feet,
                       For a rhythm or a beat!
                                  You can clap your hands,
                                  Or dance to the bands!
                       You can leap like a frog,
                       Hop like a bunny!
           Watch for a while,
           It might be funny!
        You can rock,
        You can roll!
Use your hips,
Have a ball!


Nasrene Haj was born in September of 1990. She is interested in the arts particularly dance, singing, and writing stories and poetry.


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